Biological Sciences Department
Phone: (909) 274-6356
Email: achamberlain@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/achamberlain
Question about the textbook?
Check out the Mt. SAC Book Rac website.
Helpful hint:
I accept older editions of the Martini textbook and I do not recommend or require the anatomy lab manual.
Trying To Add Anatomy?
Here is what I tell every student who is trying to add: Keep trying to get on the waitlist. Faculty (including me) will use the waitlist to make decisions about adding students to the class, if space is available. If you make it on the waitlist, it is difficult to predict whether you will be enrolled in the class based upon your position on the waitlist. The time left before the beginning of the term will influence your chances of being enrolled. There are no guarantees and every semester is different. (In the last three semesters, I was able to add between 1 and 5 students the first day.)
If you don’t make it on to the waitlist, to see if you can add you should attend the first day of lab (or the lecture - whichever meets first) for ANY class that fits your schedule. Arrive early! Only if the wait list is exhausted, students may be added to classes according to their registration appointment date/time. Make sure you bring proof of your date/time and your student ID on the first day - you may get lucky! In recent years Anatomy 35 demand has gone down which will increase the likelihood that I will exhaust the waitlist and then call on students not on the list. (This past semester I was able to add a few students who were not on the waitlist.)
Also be aware, ANAT 35 requires a prerequisite of either BIOL 1 (General Biology) or BIOL 4 / 4H (Biology for Majors). If you have not completed either of these courses you should try to add them this semester.
Hope that helps,
Alison Chamberlain
Last Updated: 7/12/21 |