Professor of Communication & Forensics Coach
26D-1441 (forensics room)
Phone: (909) 274-6310
Email: dcantrell3@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/dcantrell3
Phone: (909) 274-6310
Email: dcantrell3@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/dcantrell3
Main Menu
Journals / Papers
Study Guides
- Exam 1 (Ch 1,2,4,5,6) - 3/12
- Exam 2 (Ch 9,10,11,12,13,16) - 4/2
- Exam 3 (Ch 14,15,17) - 5/5
- Exam 4 (Cumulative) - Finals Week
Exam Study Guides
Exam 1 - Thursday 3/12 - Chapters 1,2,4,5,6 (2nd edition: ch 1,2,3,4,5)
- Definition of communication
- Transactional Model of Communication
- Sender, encoding, message, channel, decoding, receiver, feedback, context, noise
- Communication Principles
- Ethics
- Immediacy
- Communication Competence
- Communication Apprehension
- Perception
- Perception Process (attention and selection, organization, interpretation)
- Self-concept
- Self-esteem
- Incongruence
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Self-talk
- Self-monitoring
- Uncertainty Reduction Theory
- Perception Check
- Language
- Speech community
- Triangle of Meaning
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- Denotation
- Connotation
- Syntactic context
- Low v. High context cultures
- feminine v masculine styles of language
- jargon & slang
- generic language
- Non-verbal communication
- Kinesics
- Vocalics
- Proxemics
- Chronemics
- Listening Process
- Appreciative Listening
- Empathic listening
- Critical listening
- Listening Process (attending, understanding, remembering, evaluating, responding)
Exam 2 - Thursday 4/2 - Chapters 9,10,11,12,13,16
- Definition of group communication
- Types of Groups (Primary/Social, Study, Therapy, Problem Solving)
- Task, Social, and Procedural Roles
- Rules & Norms
- Status & Power
- Communication Interaction Patterns (all-channel, wheel, chain)
- Stages of Group Formation (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning + transforming)
- Leadership
- Family Systems theory (elements, interdependence, boundaries, hierarchy, sub-systems, supra-systems)
- Characteristics of Healthy groups
- Mediated Communication and Virtual groups
- Group Conflict
- Systematic Problem Solving
- Rhetorical situation (speaker, speech, occasion, audience)
- Audience Analysis
- Topic Evaluation
- Specific Purpose
- Research
- Evaluating Sources
- Oral Citations
- Outlining Process
- Introductions (attn getter, topic revelation, significance, preview)
- Main Points (intro to mp, main ideas, big point, transition)
- Conclusion (review, lasting impression)
- Brain storming
- Visual Aids (objects, images, charts)
- PowerPoint Slide Development
- Speech Anxiety
- Anxiety Management Techniques
- Effective Delivery
- Use of Voice
- Use of Body
- Delivery Methods
- Characteristics of Informative Speaking
- Methods of Informing
- Golden Rules of Informative Speaking
- Informative Speech Patterns (process, expository, chronological, spatial, categorical)
Exam 3 - Thursday, May 21- Chapters 3 (intercultural),7-8 (interpersonal),17 (persuasive)
- Definition of Culture
- Culture Shock
- Intercultural Communication
- Dominant Culture
- Co-Culture
- Cultural Identity
- Cultural Norms & Values
- Individualism-Collectivism
- Uncertainy Avoidance
- Masculinity-Femininity
- Barriers to effective intercultural Communication
- Types Relationships
- Dyad
- self-disclosure
- Johari window
- Stages of relationships
- Relational Dialectics
- Managing Relationional dialectical tension
- Comforting messages
- Privacy & Disclosure
- Appropriate disclosure
- Boundaries
- Passive, Aggressive, Assertive behavior
- Conflict Styles
- Elaboration Likelihood Model
- Theory of Reasoned Action
- Audience Adaptation
- Ethos, Pathos, Logos
- Toulmin Model of Argument
- Inductive Reasoning (argument from authority, analogy, cause, example, sign)
- Fallacies
- Persuasive Organizational Patterns
Exam 4 - Finals Week (Thursday, June 11, 7:30am) - Cumulative - Review Study Guides 1-3
Last Updated: 6/3/19 |