![Indian Ocean, Maldives](/jmcfaul/Island.jpg)
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Email: jdmcfaul@mtsac.edu
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Song Lyrics' Prompt
Music can motivate, inspire, and move its listeners. It can help them transcend pain and reality; it can take their pleasure to new heights. But couple music with the right lyrics, and the result is song. The music becomes the underbelly; it becomes what drives the lyrics. And of course, sometimes the converse is true: sometimes the lyrics are the underbelly, as they drive the music.
In this examination, your mission is to focus on song lyrics in an effort to identify what precisely-composed song lyrics can evoke and summon for their listeners. Feelings of romance and wonder can be delivered just as aptly as thoughts regarding injustice, conflict, and change. You must ascertain what, specifically, song lyrics can do for you, and then by extension, show what song lyrics can do for their listeners. The song lyrics you choose needn't be genre-specific, and you may certainly incorporate an examination of the music that cradles or propels the song lyrics so that your reader might better understand your argument.
Last Updated: 6/3/19 |