Remember: Monday in the Planetarium, Wednesday back in the classroom for Exam #1!
Welcome to the Winter 2018 Semester at Mt. SAC! Watch here for new information and updates.
Wherever you see this symbol , it means you'll need the free Acrobat Reader to view/print the document.
- Here is the Winter 2018 ASTR 5 Syllabus
- Take a look at this STUDY GUIDE!
- Follow this link to the official Student Learning Objectives for the course [these are also on your syllabus] - another excellent study tool! Follow links/menus to ASTR 5...
- Extra Credit Lectures - Come (or Go) and listen to a talk or Planetarium show - and then earn extra points!! This page may be updated.
- Here's the Field Trip Guide for the Griffith Observatory. It's a Word doc, so you can EXPAND it to type up your responses!
- GUIDELINES and options for Group Projects will also soon become active...Here are the Rubrics that I showed in class: presentations and intragroup evaluation
- Here is the Observation Project Guidelines for Spring 2017
- Moon Project Handouts : ObsSheet
- ObsGadget
Google Earth can give you your lat/lon coordinates! - See what's new at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory!
- Visit the Lunar Photo of the Day!
- To help you envision the powers of 10 and the enormous range of scales that need to be addressed in Astronomy, see this website (Molecular Expressions - requires java, won't work on iPads or Macs):
- If your computer won't handle java applets, you can see a movie version, Powers of Ten, by clicking here
- And since I LOVE Morgan Freeman's voice, here he narrates the same concept of Powers of Ten for Cosmic Voyage. BEWARE the closed captioning!! (Thanks, Tim!)
- OR you can visit the website that has still pictures from that movie here! This site has a tool for manipulation...
- Check out this site - every day! Astronomy Picture of the Day
- They have also constructed an entire online course in Astronomy!
- AND they have also constructed an entire online course in Physics (as pertinent to Astronomy)!
- Other important late-breaking news about the solar system and beyond can be found at the JPL website
This rotating globe shows where folks are who visit my pages. Most recent visits have names of location - so you can see your location and who else is on at the same time. After a short time - 5-10 minutes? - just a small red dot appears. Thanks to the LPOD for the idea, and to the folks at Revolver Maps for the script!! |
This page was originally posted on 16 September 2015
by Mark Boryta
who would greatly appreciate comments...
Last Updated: 6/3/19 |