Phone: 909-274-6565
Email: ttakashima@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/ttakashima
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My father was a strong believer in hard work, dedication, and always doing your best. He believed that if you continue to strive and work hard it will pay off sooner or later. Mathematics is a course that some find rather difficult. For many students it may serve as a road block to their educational goals. There are some students who spend many hours studying with little success and become frustrated. But, if students continue working and never give up, I am convinced that they will become successful.It is in this spirit that I offer this scholarship. It is not solely based on grades but rather on a persons work ethic and determination. I hope that in some small way this scholarship may help to encourage a student to keep working toward his/her educational goals (no matter the obstacle) and never give up.
click to view Past recipients APPLICATION click for a list of all awardees
Last Updated: 3/3/20 |