Daniel Cantrell
Daniel Cantrell
Professor of Communication & Forensics Coach
Office: 26D-1441 (forensics room)
Phone: (909) 274-6310
Email: dcantrell3@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/dcantrell3

Compliance Gaining Paper

For this assignment, you will be tasked with exploring the compliance gaining strategies from chapter 11. Please use the table on page 228 and pick a tactic.

Specifically, you should think about a communication problem we face where compliance gaining is necessary - for example, you need your friend to give you a ride to the airport - and examine that problem from a research point of view.  

Please use the "Communication and Mass Media Complete database"  and search for [tactic] compliance gaining (e.g, "pregiving compliance gaining").  Based on the articles you find, you should select three that help us understand the tactic. 

Finally, you will apply what you've learned about the tactic to the communication problem you identified.  How can we improve our persuasive abilities to solve the communication problem using the tactic you've researched.


For this assignment, you will need to turn in a 5-7 page paper covering the following material:

I. Introduction

II. Explain a communication problem we face. Feel free to pick something you are currently facing or pick a generic problem.  College based problems usually work well for this assignment but you can also use interpersonal problems.

III. Introduce Article 1 and explain the findings

IV. Introduce Article 2 and explain the findings

V. Introduce Article 3 and explain the findings

VI. How to Use Compliance Gaining to solve the problem based on the research

VII. Conclusion

VIII. Works Cited (MLA 7th Edition)


SPCH 30 – Compliance Gaining Paper Rubric            Name:____________________________________


Communication Problem

___ 10 points - explained problem sufficiently, relevant, important 

___ 5-9 points  - explained problem sufficiently, lack significance

___ 1-4 points – problem inferred, unclear, not relevant to assignment

___ 0 point – no paper

Article 1

___ 10 points – explained article, evaluated credibility, understood findings

___ 5-9 points – explained article but unclear, didn't evaluate credibility, findings inferred

___ 1-4 points – misunderstood article, no evaluation, limited or no discussion of findings

___ 0 point – no paper

Article 2

___ 10 points – explained article, evaluated credibility, understood findings

___ 5-9 points – explained article but unclear, didn't evaluate credibility, findings inferred

___ 1-4 points – misunderstood article, no evaluation, limited or no discussion of findings

___ 0 point – no paper

Article 3

___ 10 points – explained article, evaluated credibility, understood findings

___ 5-9 points – explained article but unclear, didn't evaluate credibility, findings inferred

___ 1-4 points – misunderstood article, no evaluation, limited or no discussion of findings

___ 0 point – no paper

Solving the problem

___ 20 points - applied research to problem, gave clear recommendations

___ 15-17 points – application inferred, recommendations a bit confusing

___ 1-14 points – no real application, recommendations don't follow from research

___ 0 point – no paper


___ 20 points - presented paper in class

___ 0 point - no presentation

Paper Requirements

___ 20 points – Met all paper requirements, proper spelling/grammar

 ___ 10 points – Met most paper requirements,  few spelling/grammar mistakes

 ___ 5 points – Met few paper requirements,  spelling/grammar mistakes distract from meaning

 ___ 0 points – no paper


 ______ / 100 Comments:


Last Updated: 6/3/19
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