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SPCH 30 - Gateway to Communication Studies
Welcome to the homepage for our SPCH 30 class. You can find copies of all handouts and assignments for our class on the menu on the left. If you have trouble opening an attachment please email me at
No Class Apr 11 or Apr 13
Extra Credit
For each of the extra credit assignments please type up a 1-2 page reflection. This reflection should be double spaced. All extra credit is due by the final exam. You may turn in extra credit early. Each extra credit is worth 10 points. You may earn a total of 50 extra points for the semester.
1. 10 points: Attend our Evening with Forensics showcase event. Tuesday, March 28 at 7:30pm in Building 13-1700 (auditorium). Please attach your verification of enrollment to your 1 page reflection.
2. 10 points: Fill out this survey for Mt. SAC alum Joey Fontana. Please turn in a 1 page reflection on the survey design - did you think they were good questions? Please also print the final page indicating that you finished the survey and staple that to your reflection.
Investigating the Effects of Supervisor's Communication on College Student Worker's Academic and Occupational Motivation
My name is Dr. Tara Suwinyattichaiporn, and I am an assistant professor in the Human Communication Studies Department at California State University Fullerton. I am conducting research on how managers’ communication style affects employees seeking degrees with my undergraduate student researcher Joseph Fontana.
We are inviting your participation, which will involve answering series of questions regarding your perceptions of your manager’s leadership and support, your academic self-efficacy, your occupational self-efficacy, your job satisfaction, and your attitudes toward school along with demographics information (e.g. sex and age). It should take approximately 10 minutes to take the survey.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. Your responses are anonymous and will not be linked directly to you in any way. You can skip questions or decide not to participate at any time. There will be no penalty if you decide not to participate. You must be over the age of 18 and be enrolled as a full time or part time student at an academic institution.
If you have any questions concerning the research study, please contact the Primary Investigator (PI) at or 657-278-3851. This survey will close on April 7, 2017.
Last Updated: 6/3/19 |