Daniel Cantrell
Daniel Cantrell
Professor of Communication & Forensics Coach
Office: 26D-1441 (forensics room)
Phone: (909) 274-6310
Email: dcantrell3@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/dcantrell3

SPCH 20 – IPDA Debate Handout DEBATE #2 - VALUE DEBATES 


Our second debate will revolve around a value question - what's important? 


The topic will be known ahead of time and you should prepare to debate on both sides of the resolution using the IPDA Case Skeleton.  You should come to class with your case completed.


The topic for your practice case day (Wed 1/31) is:  The Death penalty does more harm than good


This debate will be done in front of the class but will be graded credit/no credit. When you are not debating you will be judging debates.  There are total of 2 IPDA case skeletons due for Debate #2.  You should be listed either for day 1 or day 2. REMINDER: There are no makeups for missed debates. Please make sure to be in class on your debate day.


For your written assignment please make the first affirmative issue your value, and the second affirmative issue the reason why the resolution upholds that value.  As negative, the first negative issue should be your counter-value and the second negative issue should be why the resolution does not reach your counter-value.  


You should be prepared to debate either pro or con.  You may debate both on one day!


Time Limits:


  • First Affirmative (3 minutes)
  • Negative Cross Examination (1 minute)
  • First Negative (3 minutes)
  • Affirmative Cross Examination (1 minute)
  • Second Affirmative (2 minutes)
  • Second Negative (2 minutes)
  • Third Affirmative (2 minutes)




Total Time: ~ 15 minutes



Value Resolutions:


Mon 2/5


The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars Movie


1. Brandon

2. Carl

3. Dawson

4. Steven




Artificial Intelligence will do more good than harm

1. Matt

2. Michelle A.

3. Diego

4. Brian

5. Michelle K.

6. Isabella



Tues 2/6

Topic :  Confederate Statues do more good than harm


1.   Alyssa

2. Edwin

3. Jesse

4. Catrina

5. Melody

6. Darryl



Topic : General Education classes do more good than harm


1.   Kelly

2. Ross

3. Mark

4. Riley

5. Carissa

6. Veronica









This debate is worth 100 points. 60 points will be based on turning in written assignments (2 cases – each worth 30 points). The remaining 40 points will be based on judging other debates in class. If you do not debate you will have a 50 point deduction in your grade.

All written assignments are due on the day that you are assigned to debate. Please do not email me your written assignments. Please use the case brief template provided online and turned in a typed copy.

If you have any questions please email me at dcantrell3@mtsac.edu


Last Updated: 6/3/19
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