Daniel Cantrell
Daniel Cantrell
Professor of Communication & Forensics Coach
Office: 26D-1441 (forensics room)
Phone: (909) 274-6310
Email: dcantrell3@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/dcantrell3

SPCH 20 Final Paper - Winter 2018

A. This assignment is designed to be a capstone paper drawing upon your semester studying argumentation and debate. You will apply argumentation concepts/theory to a published newspaper editorial. Your paper should be 5-7 pages total. Please double space your paper, use 1 inch margins, and 12 point font. 

B. Please select one of the following list of editorial articles for your paper:

Time to End the Scam of Flying Pets - NY Times 2/4/18 

He stole $5 and a bottle of cologne. His bail was set at $350,000 - LA Times 2/5/18

The state of the union is strong, and so was the president’s speech - San Gabriel Valley Tribune 1/31/18


C. Please use the critical thinking model in analyzing the editorial. Please make sure to include at least 1 example (ie, a sentence or two) from the editorial for each of the parts to illustrate your point.

D. Please cover the following areas in your paper (1 paragraph each):

1. What is the question at issue?

2. What specific evidence is presented? Is the evidence credible?  Use the intellectual standards listed at the top of the model in evaluating the evidence.

3. What type(s) of inductive reasoning is included in the editorial?

4. What assumptions are made in the editorial?

5. What is the point of view (conclusion) of the editorial on the question identified in #1 above?

6. What is your overall impression of the editorial? Do you think it was persuasive?

E. You should have a short introduction and conclusion for your paper.

F. Please include a works cited page with a reference to the editorial you selected, the critical thinking model, and any other articles you cite in MLA format at the end your paper (does not count towards page limit). 

G. Your paper is due on the day of our final.

H. Please be prepared to present #6 during the day of our final.

If you have any questions about the paper please contact me before turning in the paper.




SPCH 20 – Final Paper Rubric            Name:____________________________________



___ 15 points - explained question, provided examples from article, clear understanding of question

___ 12-14 points  - explained question, sufficient proof, understanding of question.

___ 9-11 points – question mentioned, few related examples, some understanding of question

___ 1-8 points – question inferred, no examples, misunderstood question

___ 0 point – no paper

Specific Evidence

___ 15 points – explained evidence, evaluated credibility, used multiple intellectual standards

___ 12-14 points  - explained evidence, credibility mentioned, used at least one intellectual standard

___ 9-11 points – evidence mentioned, credibility inferred, used at least one intellectual standard

___ 1-8 points – evidence inferred, credibility missing, missing intellectual standards

___ 0 point – no paper

Inductive Reasoning

___ 15 points – explained reasoning, provided examples from article, explained well

___ 12-14 points  - explained reasoning, provided one example from article, explained sufficiently

___ 9-11 points – reasoning mentioned, examples inferred, explanation inferred

___ 1-8 points – reasoning inferred, examples missing, missing explanation

___ 0 point – no paper


___ 15 points - explained assumption, provided examples from article, clear understanding of assumptions

___ 12-14 points  - explained assumption, sufficient examples, understanding of topic.

___ 9-11 points – assumption mentioned, few related examples, some understanding of assumptions

___ 1-8 points – assumption inferred, no examples, misunderstood assumptions

___ 0 point – no paper

Point of View

___ 15 points - explained conclusion, provided examples from article, clear understanding of conclusion

___ 12-14 points  - explained conclusion, sufficient examples, understanding of conclusion.

___ 9-11 points – conclusion mentioned, few related examples, some understanding of conclusion

___ 1-8 points – conclusion inferred, no examples, misunderstood conclusion

___ 0 point – no paper

Overall Impression

___ 15 points - explained overall impression, flowed well from analysis, explained well

___ 12-14 points  - explained overall impression, bit hard to follow from analysis, sufficient explanation

___ 9-11 points – overall impression mentioned, doesn’t follow from analysis, explanation unclear

___ 1-8 points – overall impression inferred, not explained

___ 0 point – no paper


___ 30 points - presented overall impression in class

___ 0 point - no presentation

Paper Requirements

___ 30 points – Met all paper requirements, proper spelling/grammar

 ___ 15 points – Met most paper requirements,  few spelling/grammar mistakes

 ___ 5 points – Met few paper requirements,  spelling/grammar mistakes distract from meaning

 ___ 0 points – no paper


 ______ / 150 Comments:






Last Updated: 6/3/19
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