Daniel Cantrell
Daniel Cantrell
Professor of Communication & Forensics Coach
Office: 26D-1441 (forensics room)
Phone: (909) 274-6310
Email: dcantrell3@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/dcantrell3

Persuasive Speech Handout

This speech is designed for you to challenge the audience to change an attitude, value, or belief. Your topic can be on anything that you think you disagree with a majority of your audience on that is also interesting to you. Your topic must have between 6-8 articles available in the Mt. SAC Library Database. No Visual Aid is allowed.


You will have between 6-8 minutes for your speech. You should include at least six academic sources in your speech. These should be cited according to MLA format on your outline and shared with us orally during your presentation. Please use the Mt. SAC Library databases for your research.


Your substantially completed draft outline will be due in class on our workshop day. The draft outline is worth 25 points.

Please check which day you have been assigned to perform your speech. There are NO MAKEUPS for missed speech days.  Days are listed on the class website. ALL final outlines are due on the first day of speeches. If we are unable to complete all the speeches in two days, a few may have to go on the next class meeting.


 You can use up to 3 3x5 note cards during your presentation – no outlines can be brought up to the front of the class. A full and complete outline will be due the day of your speech.


This is the final major speech in our class and is worth 300 total points as explained on the rubric. This speech is roughly 1/3 of your grade in the class so please ensure you are prepared to excel!





Time Limit




Visual Aid

Total Pts


6-8 min



3-3x5 cards



In this speech, you will select a policy or behavorial persuasive topic. You will most likely identify a pressing problem, relate its significance to the audience, explain what the causes of the problem are, and suggest possible solutions to the problem. Sales-type presentations and group presentations are not allowable for meeting this requirement. You must use an appropriate persuasive pattern of organization such as Problem-Cause-Solution, Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, or Three Reasons. You should emphasize appropriate and credible motivational, emotional and logical appeals. Close attention should be paid to the use of supporting materials, organization, analysis, word usage and delivery. As you work to create your solution, remember the steps you followed for determining the causes of the problem and make sure that your solution steps remedy those causes. Again, as one of the two major speech assignments in the course, rigor and critical thinking are essential for this assignment. All required sources should be drawn from the Mt. SAC library databases.


Name:                                                      Date:                                                                                     


1. Content/Structure (50 Points)

45-50    __ Followed basic outline/points in logical order/key information presented

35-44    __ Order somewhat jumbled/some key information lacking/

20-34    __ Order confusing/lacking key information/audience left confused

0          __ No speech given

2. Delivery (50 Points)

45-50    __ Spoke clearly/articulate/professional attire/no major distracting nonverbal or verbal behaviors

35-44    __ Sometimes hard to hear/might not be dressed professional/some distracting behaviors

20-34    __ Delivery distracting from message/clearly did not practice/dressed inappropriately

0          __ No speech given

3. Persuasive Appeals (25 points)

20-25    __ Excellent Ethos / Pathos / Logos

15-19    __ Appropriate Ethos / Pathos / Logos

10-14    __ Inappropriate Ethos / Pathos / Logos

0           __ No Speech Given

4. Sources (25 Points)

20-25    __ Had 6-8 Sources/Credible/Aided Speech/Shared Source and Date orally

15-19    __Had 3-5 Sources/May not be Credible/Some information need citation/Some Sources and Dates

10-14    __Had 1-2 Sources/Not Credible/Needed more sources/Missing Sources or Dates

0         __No Sources apparent during presentation

5. Timing (50 Points)

50         _ 5:30-8:30

35         _ 5:00-5:29 or 8:31-9:00

20         _ 4:30-4:59 or 9:01-9:30

5          _ 4:00-4:29 or 9:31-10:00 & asked to stop

0          _ No speech given

6. Feedback Forms (25 Points)

25   __  Feedback given to other students on all days not presenting

0    __ Did not give feedback on all days not presenting

7. Draft Outline (25 points)

25    __ Draft outline done on workshop day/substantially complete

0      __ No outline turned in

8. Final Outline (50 points)

45-50    __ Top of the Outline complete/correct structure/full sentences/Works Cited

35-44    __ Missing Top of the Outline elements/incorrect structure/full sentences

25-34    __ Many elements missing/structure confusing/not in full sentences

0          __ No outline turned in

TOTAL POINTS ________/300


Last Updated: 6/3/19
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