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Homework Assignments
Speech Information
- Basic Speech Outline
- Sample Student Outline (Demo Speech)
- Impromptu Speech
- Demo Speech
- Informative Speech
- Persuasive Speech
- Special Occasion
Extra Credit
- ...
- Critical Thinking Model
- MLK Jr I Have a Dream
- MLK Jr Alt Version
- Speech of Introduction
- Best Man Speech
- Maid of Honor Toast
- Rosa Parks Eulogy
- Motivational Speech
- Al Smith Dinner - Romney
- Al Smith Dinner - Obama
- RFK Video
- Lupita Nyong'o Acceptance Speech
- Ann Romney RNC Speech
- Michelle Obama DNC Speech
- Will Ferrell Acceptance
- Doha Debates
- PSCFA Tournament Calendar
- Onion Article
- Complicated PowerPoint Slide
- March on Sacramento
- Shark Tank Demo
- Scary Commericals
- Budweiser Frogs
- Apple 1984
- Picture of You
- Pinkie Speeding
- Thinking PSA
- Stage Fright - TED Talk
- Get to Know you Questions
- George Carlin
- Obama Eulogy of Sen. Pinckney
- Jessie Williams Acceptance Speech
- Shark Tank Demo - Nasal Screens
- Infomercial - Monroe
- Mt. SAC Fact Sheet
- Motivational Commencement Speech
This speech is designed for you to celebrate someone or something through a speech. A visual aid is not required nor recommended. You will be required to turn in 1 page of notes - it does not have to be a formal outline per se but I do need to see some preparation. As with other speeches you may only bring 1 note card up during your speech.
You will have between three and four minutes to give your speech. Your speech should cover areas appropriate to celebrating someone. All speeches must be about a real person or real topic – you should not ‘make up’ someone or something for your speech. This will be further explained in class and please ask any questions you have before giving your speech. Your speech should generally make us feel positive towards the target of your speech.
We will be discussing special occasion speaking in class and you should be familiar with chapter 16 in your textbook. Please take this speech seriously - while it is more informal than previous speeches it is still a graded presentation for our class.
If you have any questions on the special occasion toast speech, please email me at
Speech |
Time Limit |
Sources |
Outline |
Notes |
Visual Aid |
Total Pts |
Spec. Occ. |
3-4 Min |
0 |
N/A |
1-3x5 cards |
No |
25 |
In this speech, you will prepare a Toast speech. This speech is much more informal than the informative or persuasive speech but should still include an introduction, body, and conclusion. No research needs to be cited. Please note that you do not have to divulge personal family information for this speech and please do not make anything up to make your speech sound more interesting. |
Toast Speech Rubric
1. Content/Structure (10 Points)
8-10 __ Followed basic outline/points in logical order/key information presented/
5-7 __ Order somewhat jumbled/some key information lacking/
1-4 __ Order confusing/lacking key information/audience left confused
0 __ No speech given
2. Delivery (10 Points)
8-10 __ Spoke clearly/articulate/no major distracting nonverbal or verbal behaviors
5-7 __ Sometimes hard to hear/ some distracting behaviors
1-4 __ Delivery distracting from message/clearly did not practice/dressed inappropriately
0 __ No speech given
3. Timing (5 points)
5 __ 2:30-4:30
2 __ Under or Over time
0 __ No Speech given
Last Updated: 6/3/19 |