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- ...
- Critical Thinking Model
- MLK Jr I Have a Dream
- MLK Jr Alt Version
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- Best Man Speech
- Maid of Honor Toast
- Rosa Parks Eulogy
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- Al Smith Dinner - Romney
- Al Smith Dinner - Obama
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- Ann Romney RNC Speech
- Michelle Obama DNC Speech
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- Stage Fright - TED Talk
- Get to Know you Questions
- George Carlin
- Obama Eulogy of Sen. Pinckney
- Jessie Williams Acceptance Speech
- Shark Tank Demo - Nasal Screens
- Infomercial - Monroe
- Mt. SAC Fact Sheet
- Motivational Commencement Speech
Quiz 3 Study Guide
Listening v. Hearing
Message Distortions
Five Stages of Listening (Hearing, Selection, Interpretation, Evaluation, Responding)
Active Listening
Improving Listening Skills
Audience Analysis
Demographic Information (ethnic/cultural background, gender/sexual orientation, age, religious affiliation, socioeconomic status, relational status)
Audience's relationship to the topic
Environment for the Speech
Audience's expectations
Collecting Audience information
Avoiding Stereotyping
Benefits of Audience Analysis and Adaptation
Types of Audio/Visual Aids
Advantages and Disadvantages of Visual Aids
Preparing Visual Aids
Using Visual Aids
Effective PowerPoint Presentations
role of research
factual examples
hypothetical examples
guidelines for using statistics
evaluating websites
source citations
source citation verbs
tests of evidence (recent, reliable, relevant)
works cited page
Last Updated: 6/3/19 |