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- Spring 2016
SPCH 20H – NPDA Debate Handout - VALUE DEBATES
A three-on-three debate format that emphasizes a speaker’s own knowledge and prohibits quoted research/prepared materials to be read during the round. The topic will be known ahead of time and you should prepare to debate on both sides of the resolution. A value debate argues about what is important (the value) and the best way to reach it (the resolution).
We will be doing a practice debate day on 4/18. You should have a case brief to turn in on 4/18 that is worth 20 points credit/no credit. Topic: Mandatory Military service would do more harm than good
You will need to turn in one additional case brief for the topic on your debate day. A total of two case briefs are due for debate #2 including the practice debate brief. This debate will be done in front of the entire class. On the days you are not debating, you will be judging debates.
Time Limits:
- Prep Time = 15 minutes
- PMC = 4 minutes (present value and two contentions)
- LOC = 4 minutes (present counter value, two contentions and respond to PMC)
- MGC = 4 minutes (respond to LOC and defend PMC)
- MOC = 4 minutes (defend LOC and respond to MGC)
- LOR = 2 minute (summarize debate)
- PMR = 2 minute (summarize debate)
Total Time: ~ 35 minutes
Value Resolutions:
4/20 Topic: The War on Drugs has done more harm than good
Justin, Hillman, Hanna, Jared, Monica, Tiffany, Shahar, Maggie, Woo
4/25 Topic: Eminent domain laws do more harm than good
Shantel, Carol, Abraham, Prez, Sylvia, Jacqueline |
This debate is worth 100 points. 50 points will be based on your debate performance. 40 points will be based on turning in written assignments (main case brief worth 30 points, practice case brief worth 10 points). The remaining 10 points will be based on judging other debates in class (5 points per day). If you do not debate one day you will have a 50 point deduction in your grade. If you miss both debate days you will have a 100 point deduction.
Please review the rubric for evaluating your debate ahead of time.
All written assignments are due on the day that you are assigned to debate. Please do not email me your written assignments. Please use the case brief template provided online and turned in atyped copy.
If you have any questions please email me at
Last Updated: 6/3/19 |