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Email: elobb@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/elobb
Geography 8: Urban Geography
Can you guess this mystery city?
What is Geography?
What is Geography?
Course Description:
While this course is an introduction to the study of Urban Geography, its focus is interdisciplinary, including the study of all things ‘urban’—both cities and their suburbs--and how they have evolved and changed over time. Like the cities it studies, the discipline of urban studies is sprawling and complex and this course can only serve as an introduction to theories and explanation of the uniquely urban experience of humans. I hope this course inspires you to become more engaged with, and curious about, the urban (and suburban) places you live in and that surround you.
This course employs both a global and historical perspective while paying special attention to our local Los Angeles metropolitan area. As one of the most important cities, the course examines the local and global context of Los Angeles as a ‘world city.’ This course will examine cities as complex social groupings of people, as well as landscapes of buildings and public and private spaces. The course examines both what cities are and have been (the evolving urban experience of the past and present) and to the ever-changing ideas about what cities should be (urban planning and design for the future).
There is no textbook for the course. The only required materials are Edward Glaeser's book Triumph of the City, Penguin Publisher.
Syllabus, Fall 2021
Calendar of Assignments
Wk/Date |
Topics/Assigned Readings/Homework | Major Assignments and Deadlines |
Wk 1 |
Intro to cities and how we study them Readings: Intro & chapter 1 (Glaeser) |
Wk 2 | Cities and globalization Readings: Intro & chapter 1 (Glaeser) |
Map quiz 1 |
Wk 3 | The social geography of cities Readings: Intro & chapter 1 (Glaeser) |
Quiz 1 |
Wk 4 | Urban Morphology Readings: chapters 5 & 6 (Glaeser) |
Glaeser Paper 1 |
Wk 5 | Exam 1 |
Exam 1 |
Wk 6 | Cities before industrialization Readings: chapters 5 & 6 |
Wk 7 | North American urban systems Readings: chapters 2 & 4 (Glaeser) |
Map quiz 2 Glaeser Paper 2 |
Wk 8 | Rise of the industrial, modern cityReadings: Glaeser 2 & 4 | Quiz 2 |
Wk 9 | Urban Planning--responses to the industrial cityReadings: Glaeser 2 & 4 | Map quiz 3 |
Wk 10 | Exam 2: bring a Blue Book | |
Wk 11 | Urban sprawl: the galactic metropolis Readings: chapters 6 & 7 (Glaeser) |
Wk 12 | Urban planning II--responses to sprawl Readings: chapters 3, 9 and conclusion |
Wk 13 | Urban Renewal: Blight vs Slum Readings: chapters 3, 9 and conclusion |
Wk 14 | The Segregated American Dream Readings: chapters 3, 9 and conclusion Downtown Los Angeles Field Trip |
Wk 15 | The Segregated American Dream Readings: chapters 3, 9 and conclusion |
Dec. 9 | Final Exam 10:30am - 1:00pm Bring a Blue Book |
Glaeser Assignments
Glaeser #1: Due
Glaeser #2: Due
Glaeser #3: Due
Glaeser #4: Due
Glaeser #5: Due
* all papers must be turned in via the Canvas course *
Map Assignments
World Cities and Megacities Map
Study Guides
Introduction to Urban Geography
The Economies of Cities and Globalization
Social Geography of Cities and Urban Morphology
Industrial Revolutions: the rise of the modern city
Urban Planning I: responses to the industrial city
Urban Planning II: responses to sprawl
Additional Resources
Segregation in American Cities
Prof. Josh Sides on Compton as Microcosim of Urban America
Prof. Josh Sides on Compton, Restrictive Covenants and Racial Segregation
Josh Sides: Straight Into Compton
Bob Herbert's documentary--Against All Odds: The Fight for a Black Middle Class
How Homeownership Became the Engine Inequality
Structural Racism and the Black Middle Class
Segregation in the City of Angels
Materials on Global Cities
Urbanization and the Growth of Global Cities
2019 Updated GPCI Most Powerful Cities
Materials on Defining What is Urban
Here are the Real Boundaries of American Metropolises
Materials on the Industrial City
Materials on Urban Planning: Responses to the Industrial City
Materials on the Centrifugal City
Materials on Urban Livability
Walkable Cities by Kent Larson
Built to Last (video on New Urbanism)
The Happy City: Charles Montgomery
What if a City Decides It Can Live Without a Freeway?
The Four Comandments of Cities: Rio de Janeiro
Last Updated: 10/28/21 |