Office Hours: Tu/Th 8:30-930am; Zoom Th 6-7pm
Phone: 909-274-5775
Email: elobb@mtsac.edu
Homepage: https://faculty.mtsac.edu/elobb
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to Physical Geography with a goal of providing an understanding of the basic elements and processes that govern the physical environment of the Earth. Concerns over the physical environment and humans’ role within it are of particular concern as human population growth and changing consumption patterns place ever-increasing demands on the physical environment. In this context, people will be forced to make difficult choices about how resources will be used and in what sort of environment they wish to live.
The first half of the course is concerned with the overriding concepts of plate tectonics, volcanism and the shaping of the physical landscape through processes of erosion and deposition. The final half of the course is primarily concerned with general atmospheric circulation and its impact on weather and the systems, which make up the Earth’s climate regions.
Course Materials:
Chapter 7 Homework
Course Lecture Power Points:
How Do Tornadoes Form?
Chapter 7
Film: When the Earth Swallows You
Last Updated: 4/5/22 |